Geese get wet in Nth NSW

6 Geese, Rod-1200GS, Garry-1200RS, Garry W-Triumph Explorer, Jag-1200R, Mike-Kwaka 1400 and Mick-V Strom headed off on Sunday 12th for a 3 day ride into Nth NSW. 1st day »

Rod MacRae Rod MacRae on Rides

Thursday ride 9th March

A gathering at Yandina of 15 Geese, a decision was made to head to Esk and away we went. The group split somewhere around Nambour heading »

Rod MacRae Rod MacRae on Rides

Sunday 5th early ride report

Sunday 5th saw another early 0600-0615 start at Yandina, destination TBD. With overcast sky after raining overnight only 2 Geese gathered, Rod GS and Bernie GSA  but »

Rod MacRae Rod MacRae on Rides

Thursday 2nd March ride report

Thursday morning had 9 Geese gathered at Yandina for coffee and brekky, one was unable to ride due to family commitments, the rest had a ball !! With »

Rod MacRae Rod MacRae on Rides

Sunday 26th early ride report

Good to see a plan from Max for the 0900 start :-) For those who want an early ride then be at Yandina 0600, route TBD and »

Rod MacRae Rod MacRae on Rides

Bash in the Bush!

Sunday 19th February saw a nice cool meetup at Yandina for the troops at 6am in an effort to beat the heat. Most cruised off to »

Beat the Heat Sunday 19th ride report

Due to Invigor8 quite often being booked out on a Sunday during the warmer months an early ride seemed to be a good idea with coffee/brekky at a »

Rod MacRae Rod MacRae on Rides

Thursday Feb 16 Long Ride

Mick Logan & I met the early riders at Yandina but as they were only looking for a short ride we sadly parted company and headed »

Ian Heffernan Ian Heffernan on Rides

Thursday 16th Early Ride report

A cool crisp morning saw 9 Geese at Yandina. Ian, KTM 1190 and Mick, V Strom had already decided on a longer ride out to Bunya Mtns for the »

Rod MacRae Rod MacRae on Rides