ild Geese

Three tail end Charlies do their own thing

23rd Feb. 2017

Geese gear up

Good turn out for the 9am ride, I counted eleven. No real plan emerged so we followed Neil who left first but some of us thought was going home. There may have been a change of plan from Neil as he proceeded past the 'Spirit House' on to North Arm, Eumundi then up the Bruce to Cooroy and onto Belli Creek Rd. As I was TEC and falling behind as usual (not! ~ Steve), I took the Ridgewood dirt shortcut coming out on Skyring Rd headed towards Pete's. I watched Neil followed by seven others. Oops, 'mea culpa' I'd split Mark and Steve off the group. They backtracked looking for, presumably, a ball of flames from the big Kwacka. I backtracked and caught them halfway back to Cooroy in range of a phone tower looking for me and others on the phone. After making apologies, we turned and made for Tuchekoi Rd to see if we'd been missed. No one was there so not knowing which direction had been taken, we headed for The Bluff, Kenilworth, Obi Obi, Mapleton, Dulong, Woombye, Kiel Mountain then onto M'dore for coffee.

Sorry for any angst I may have caused (it was all my fault by not simply following, I know, one simple job - TEC - and I couldn't get that right. No one wonders why I'm retired right?).

'til the next time, Mike