A select few

This Thursday's ride saw a reduced turnout compared with recent weeks, but a fair number of core riders were present. Max opted for a reasonably short »

Steve Pike Steve Pike

New chat group

Our Facebook group is likely soon be retired and we now have a chat group so that we can easily communicate ride changes etc. Many of »

Steve Pike Steve Pike

Some love for the archive

I have shown the Wild Geese Archive some love and updated its pages to look a lot like those of this current site. Now to see »

Steve Pike Steve Pike

Going, going...

Well it has been on the cards for quite a while: the web site rarely gets updated and the Facebook page for the group ticks along »

Steve Pike Steve Pike

A bit like the old days

Good to see some fresh interest in the Thursday rides, with a good turnout of the established members and a few new recruits too - we »

Steve Pike Steve Pike

Not dead, just comatose

Posts to the blog section of this web site have sadly dried up so I have made some changes to reflect that. The home page of »

Steve Pike Steve Pike

Escaping the rain - somewhat

In early April three “Geese” headed South to NSW for seven days in an attempt to get away from the incessant Sunshine Coast rain. It worked… »

Garry Walker on Rides

Not dead yet

Just to emphasise what I have previously told people: we may have lost the original ".org.au" domain name but this web site lives on using the »

Steve Pike Steve Pike

End of an era

The Wild Geese domain name has been used by this web site for many years but I have just been informed by my registrar that as »

Steve Pike Steve Pike

Training for Ulysses membership

A small gaggle of mature Geese set off for a leisurely outing to Imbil where a recovery period was planned in, as we old folks no »

Steve Pike Steve Pike