Not dead, just comatose

Posts to the blog section of this web site have sadly dried up so I have made some changes to reflect that. The home page of »

Steve Pike Steve Pike

Escaping the rain - somewhat

In early April three “Geese” headed South to NSW for seven days in an attempt to get away from the incessant Sunshine Coast rain. It worked… »

Garry Walker on Rides

Not dead yet

Just to emphasise what I have previously told people: we may have lost the original "" domain name but this web site lives on using the »

Steve Pike Steve Pike

End of an era

The Wild Geese domain name has been used by this web site for many years but I have just been informed by my registrar that as »

Steve Pike Steve Pike

Training for Ulysses membership

A small gaggle of mature Geese set off for a leisurely outing to Imbil where a recovery period was planned in, as we old folks no »

Steve Pike Steve Pike

A run to Killarney

4 Geese and a visitor took a run to Killarney for an overnighter, the start from Peachester was a bit chilly Sat 20th May and we »

Rod MacRae Rod MacRae on Rides

Thurs 19th Jan

A good number of riders gathered at Guncotton with a promising weather outlook and after coffee and food taken, a bit of discussion took place as »

Rod MacRae Rod MacRae

New improved comments for posts

A basic comments system has existed here for a long time, but it had to be activated for individual posts and you needed a site login »

Steve Pike Steve Pike


With the prospect of a hot day looming those  that attended Guncotton decided on a shortish run in the hinterland rather than a long way to »

Rod MacRae Rod MacRae

Christmas Lunch 2022

I live in hope, but Christmas has apparently not been cancelled this year (again), so it has been decided by management that there shall once more »

Steve Pike Steve Pike