Thursday 31st Aug

Well another great day of riding. 9 Geese at Yandina, Rod, Dave, Garry x 2,Ozzie, Mad Max, Ian, Steve and White Mike took off for points »

Thursday ride 24th August

10 Geese took off south from Yandina with Esk being the destination chosen due to the north probably busy with Muster traffic. 2 more joined along the way »

Rod MacRae Rod MacRae on Rides

Road condition update

Note for those going to travel on Gregors Creek rd, Kilcoy. The road is currently (as in right now 9th August) being overhauled for the last »

Rod MacRae Rod MacRae

Thursday 10th August earlier ride

Earlier start for those interested. Geese are gathering at BP Forest Glen (southbound) in the morning 10th Aug for an 0800 depart to meet Helen Trennery at D'Aguilar »

Rod MacRae Rod MacRae on Rides

Bunya Mountains Ride

I am planning an overnight ride to the Bunya Mountains on Wed 19th July. The proposed route (subject to change) will be via Kilcoy, Esk, Crows »

Thursday 15th ride

The day started out a bit overcast for 6 Geese at Yandina, Rod-GS, Dave-Kwaka, Mike-Kwaka, Max-Honda, visitor Neil-Honda and Ian-KTM. Destination was decided to be Mt »

Rod MacRae Rod MacRae

Townsville to Cairns the hard way

Hi to all, first up I have been away working so I hope the Thursday rides have been well attended. Also while away I have been »

Rod MacRae Rod MacRae