ild Geese

Thursday 31st Aug

Well another great day of riding. 9 Geese at Yandina, Rod, Dave, Garry x 2,Ozzie, Mad Max, Ian, Steve and White Mike took off for points North.

A run up to Cooroy on the Bruce Highway and then we peeled off onto the old Highway near Pomona to head up and over to the Mary Valley and Lawson rd out to Widgee for a quick stop before heading into Kilkivan and out to Kinbombi Falls. Not much water there currently !!

A brisk run from there to the old Elgin Vale sawmill and photos were taken, then we hit the road towards Goomeri, although Max also decided to hit some grass and a hidden rock oops! It's a motard, not a trail bike Max !, and it's better to ride it when it's not laying down !! A run through Goomeri out to Tansey and the Tansey range and then into Kilkivan for lunch at 'The Bank' café.

After lunch we headed towards Widgee again with some of us fueling up there and others starting to peel off for home. So somewhere around 400km for the day along some quiet country roads.