Thursday 23rd

Even though the sky looked ominous 5 Geese (Rod, Dave, Lee, Max and Mike) turned up and ended with a great ride and no rain !! »

Rod MacRae Rod MacRae on Rides


A Skein of 6 (Google it) took off Tues 31st Oct heading south for the 'Snowy Ride' in Thredbo. Rod Mac 1200GS, Garry Cosmo 1200RS,  Steve »

Rod MacRae Rod MacRae on Rides

Snowy Ride photos 2017

A few photos of the Wild Geese Snowy Ride to be going on with until Rod and/or others get a proper ride report organised. As you »

Steve Pike Steve Pike on Rides

Jimna and beyond

Colin and I left the Geese to their road ride this Thursday and headed out of Yandina through Cooloolabin and onto the trails of Mapleton Forest »

Woondum National Park

I didn't quite stick to the plan of keeping the new CRF250L Rally (Piglet) stock standard for a while. Before even getting to its first service »

No Sunday Riders

Well the sun made an appearance today so I thought a Sunday ride with the Geese would be in order. I was unfortunately the only one »


So, there's a new not-so-heavy dual-sport bike  in my garage - a Honda CRF250L Rally. I hope that this one will prove to be a proper »

Breaking news

Exclusive to, we can reveal the image behind the breaking story on Rod's sex change operation - see below! (click for full-size) »

Thursday 7th Sept

And another great day out :-) 10 Geese gathered but only 8 rode, apparently there were more pressing priorities !!. Those that rode were, RodMac, Ozzie, »

T Shirts update

FYI to those that may want a 'Wild Geese' t shirt, you can get them at 'Image-On' located at 4/ 40 Rene St Noosaville. Call Stu »

Rod MacRae Rod MacRae