ild Geese

No Sunday Riders

Well the sun made an appearance today so I thought a Sunday ride with the Geese would be in order. I was unfortunately the only one to show at the café so it was a rather small group of one that set off back to Doonan, where I switched to the mighty CRF Rally (now christened Piglet 'cos it's not big enough to be a proper Bush Pig), for a first test ride on its new full knobby tyres. At around 25psi the rear gets pretty hot on road so I will need to go a bit higher, but the bike now loves gravel roads. I found myself out near Ringtail Creek so I had to give the sandy trails a quick try and that proved pretty straightforward. I got bounced around a bit on the rockier sections and most agree that the bike could use a bit of suspension work but it will do me "as is" for now. I couldn't live up to the capabilities anyway of my last dirt bike, at least now I can blame the inferior Honda suspension if things go wrong.

Looking forward to some trail riding soon in company (looking at you Colin and Pete), if the terrain is not to be too gnarly. But that will probably have to wait until after the upcoming Snowy Ride.