Not dead, just comatose

Posts to the blog section of this web site have sadly dried up so I have made some changes to reflect that. The home page of »

Steve Pike Steve Pike

Not dead yet

Just to emphasise what I have previously told people: we may have lost the original "" domain name but this web site lives on using the »

Steve Pike Steve Pike

End of an era

The Wild Geese domain name has been used by this web site for many years but I have just been informed by my registrar that as »

Steve Pike Steve Pike

Training for Ulysses membership

A small gaggle of mature Geese set off for a leisurely outing to Imbil where a recovery period was planned in, as we old folks no »

Steve Pike Steve Pike

New improved comments for posts

A basic comments system has existed here for a long time, but it had to be activated for individual posts and you needed a site login »

Steve Pike Steve Pike

Christmas Lunch 2022

I live in hope, but Christmas has apparently not been cancelled this year (again), so it has been decided by management that there shall once more »

Steve Pike Steve Pike

Fishy business

It's been a while since we saw Brendan on a ride, I guess he's been too busy creating exhibition level fish. This one surfaced at Sculpture »

Steve Pike Steve Pike

Four characters saved

You can now spare your digits four typed characters when going to the Wild Geese web site. You can find it as before at or »

Steve Pike Steve Pike

From Jann

Words cannot express my gratitude to the Wild Geese for your participation in Ozzie's Celebration of Life. The feeling in that room of love and caring »

Steve Pike Steve Pike

Come and farewell Ozzie

Ozzie invites the Geese, one and all, to come and wish him well on his way from this life to whatever comes next. We will be »

Steve Pike Steve Pike