ild Geese

Snowy Ride photos 2017

A few photos of the Wild Geese Snowy Ride to be going on with until Rod and/or others get a proper ride report organised. As you can see, we largely had good weather, and would have managed a trouble free run if Cosmo's radiator had not been holed somewhere on the return journey. More on that no doubt in the full ride report.

Heading South

Short break at Tambar Springs History lesson at the black stump, Coolah The Geese meet and greet at Hill End Between laps of Bathurst circuit


Fine Thredbo accommodation Steve's Honda Rally support crew

The Snowy Ride

Dalgety checkpoint Group photo outside Thredbo Mass ride-through in Thredbo Silly headgear the order of the day

Kosciuszko National Park

Geese at the snowline Gary and still-healthy BMW Viewing the National Park Mount Kosciuszko is to the left

Potato Point near Tuross Head

Potato Point on the south coast of NSW Potato Point camp grounds

Gizmo's mighty steed

The trusty Gizmo mothership