Blast from the past
Spotted on my morning ride recently: Shaun 'Cosmic Goose', son of Mick 'Bumble Goose' Murphy. Shaun used to ride with us occasionally in his past, pre-hipster, »
5 Geese gathered at Pete's Bellbird Café at Carters Ridge only to find it not open until 0900,oops. So it was decided to leave at 0830 »
A large number of Geese turned up for Thursday 24th ride, 15 in total at Invigor8 with one not riding so that of course means 14 (calculator »
Still waiting for a write-up on Thursday's ride to Mount Mee (I don't qualify as I missed half of it due to being sidelined by a »
Spotted on my morning ride recently: Shaun 'Cosmic Goose', son of Mick 'Bumble Goose' Murphy. Shaun used to ride with us occasionally in his past, pre-hipster, »
After discussions between those that showed on Thursday's ride, and previous discussions with the wider group, we decided to give "The Shared" a go. General feedback »
Only four Geese turned out for this Sunday's ride - Colin, Steve, Ozzie and Mike. Just as well, as the bigger tables at Invigor8 were all »
Despite the dark clouds and threatening rain 5 Geese gathered at Invigor8 at Yandina. Rod and Dave on their R1200GS's, Mick on his VStrom, new rider Gary on a Yamaha »
Another spot that might be suitable is the Peregian Springs Rec Club near the Peregian Springs State school, plenty of parking with seating open to the car »
On the 6th November two of our intrepid Wild Geese (Bernie Domnick and Colin Sheehan) set off from Gold Coast for a week of off road »
a.k.a. Gizmo Goose I have flocked with the Geese since the early days, discovering the club not too long after its inception. I have owned »