Automatic slideshows

If your post contains a number of photos you may like to display them as thumbnails, showing a slideshow of the full size images when a »

Steve Pike Steve Pike on Help

Snowy Ride report Part 1 2016

Snowy Ride 2016 report. Part 1, the trip down.  4 Geese (MacGoose R1200GS LC, JagGoose R1200R, CosGoose on his new R1200RS(it got dirty !) and White MikeGoose Kwaka 1400GTR) took »

Rod MacRae Rod MacRae on Rides

Snowy Ride 2016

A small gaggle of Geese (also known as a 'skein' when flying), headed south for 2 weeks or so in November. The 'Snowy Ride' on the weekend »

Rod MacRae Rod MacRae on Rides

Ricks Cafe

Ricks in Palmwoods has not yet made it onto our breakfast venue list but it sometimes makes for a good lunch stop towards the end of »

Steve Pike Steve Pike on Places

Invigor8 Cafe

Our Thursday meeting point for a number of years, and their hospitality was greatly appreciated, but our current meeting place since  January 2021 is Guncotton Coffee »

Steve Pike Steve Pike on Places

The Shared

Located in Railway Street opposite Yandina railway station, this cafe should be easy to find. We are visited it on Sunday, 13 November 2016. The Shared »

Steve Pike Steve Pike on Places

Any Sunday

Sunday rides were at one stage our most popular but they have pretty much ceased to happen. The popular choice these days are our Any Thursday »

Allan Reynolds

a.k.a. Big Goose I was born in Cape Town, South Africa in 1949, Emigrated to Australia in 1960 with my family, and started riding with the »

Allan Reynolds Allan Reynolds on Members

Uploading photos

Your you-beaut phone or camera takes great pictures, but they are probably saved as rather large files. You can do visitors to this site a favour »

Steve Pike Steve Pike on Help