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If your post contains a number of photos you may like to display them as thumbnails, showing a slideshow of the full size images when a »
If your post contains a number of photos you may like to display them as thumbnails, showing a slideshow of the full size images when a »
Snowy Ride 2016 report. Part 1, the trip down. 4 Geese (MacGoose R1200GS LC, JagGoose R1200R, CosGoose on his new R1200RS(it got dirty !) and White MikeGoose Kwaka 1400GTR) took »
(see also part 1 of the trip) The 4 Geese were joined by a long time friend of MacGoose, Steve King who attends the Snowy Ride »
A small gaggle of Geese (also known as a 'skein' when flying), headed south for 2 weeks or so in November. The 'Snowy Ride' on the weekend »
Ricks in Palmwoods has not yet made it onto our breakfast venue list but it sometimes makes for a good lunch stop towards the end of »
Our Thursday meeting point for a number of years, and their hospitality was greatly appreciated, but our current meeting place since January 2021 is Guncotton Coffee »
Located in Railway Street opposite Yandina railway station, this cafe should be easy to find. We are visited it on Sunday, 13 November 2016. The Shared »
Sunday rides were at one stage our most popular but they have pretty much ceased to happen. The popular choice these days are our Any Thursday »
a.k.a. Big Goose I was born in Cape Town, South Africa in 1949, Emigrated to Australia in 1960 with my family, and started riding with the »
Your you-beaut phone or camera takes great pictures, but they are probably saved as rather large files. You can do visitors to this site a favour »