ild Geese

BMW Safari 2016

On the 6th November two of our intrepid Wild Geese (Bernie Domnick and Colin Sheehan) set off from Gold Coast for a week of off road fun and games as participants in the 2016 BMW GS Safari which wound its way down to the border ranges southward before weaving north through the S.E. Qld. high country and then down to Noosa. All up, roughly 1500 klms mostly in the dirt (yum!).

If you are curious, have a look at where you will find photo's and links to previous events. See also the Geese archives for a look at last year's event.

Colin Sheehan

a.k.a. Phot Goose. I am still trying to decide if I am a motorcyclist or a photographer. Maybe both. I have been riding for about 50 years on about 37 bikes at last count. A lot of dirt (which some may have noticed I favour!) and a great deal of tar roads have passed beneath my wheels in that time. I am currently favouring the BMW range after owning 7 of them throughout my life. This club allows us to gather with like minded people on a range of bikes to enjoy the bikes, roads and good company without egos getting in the way.