Xmas picnic

Mark this date. Thursday 13th Dec. Time Midday ish Location: Baroon Dam Picnic area, toilets available, accessed from the Maleny side of the dam. Who : »

Rod MacRae Rod MacRae

Thursday 22nd Nov

Thursday saw 10 Geese head off from Invigor8 to scope out the proposed Xmas Picnic spot for us all, look for details on this site soon »

Rod MacRae Rod MacRae

Thursday 4th Oct 2018

18 Geese rolled up at Invigor8 with 17 taking off for points north, Ian H you missed  great ride ! We rolled out along our well »

Rod MacRae Rod MacRae

Bike show

FYI, anyone interested, 'Gold Miners Rally' for Historic Motorbikes is on this weekend 6/7 Oct. There is a 'show n shine' Sat 11am at Cooran Sports »

Rod MacRae Rod MacRae

Thursday 27th Sept

Eleven Geese took off from Yandina with a run thru Valdora, North Arm, Cooroy/Black Mountain, Pomona and onto Kin Kin via Boreen/Elanda Point. Our lunch destination »

Rod MacRae Rod MacRae

Thursday 2nd Aug

A gaggle of 11 gathered at Yandina on a bright clear day. It took a  little while to get the Geese motivated  but a decision was quickly »

Rod MacRae Rod MacRae

Thursday 10th ride

With the rain gone, 8 geese took off from Yandina for points west and north. 1st stop Boorumba Dam to regather after our leader (no names »

Rod MacRae Rod MacRae on Rides

Thursday 5th April

Here we go again with the wet stuff, groan. Anyway 14 Geese turned up at Yandina, one went home (JAG) due to other stuff requiring his »

Rod MacRae Rod MacRae on Rides

Thursday 29th

The clouds were gathering  with some rain evident once again, 7 Geese at Yandina doing much checking on BOM took off to the north west to Goomeri, it »

Rod MacRae Rod MacRae on Rides

A different Ride

Once again the Annual 'Bike4Burns' ride is on, this is one involving pedals and 2 legs.....I have ridden in 8 of these so far, with a  different »