ild Geese

Thursday 22nd Nov

Thursday saw 10 Geese head off from Invigor8 to scope out the proposed Xmas Picnic spot for us all, look for details on this site soon and on Facebook.

We had Rod, Jag, Dave, Lee, Max, Garry W, Noel, Mick, Mike and Ossie., I know the spelling is wrong but the sed on my laptop is not working aahhh!

So out along Bunya Rd, Gold Crk rd and through Moy Pocket and into Kenilworth for a quick break and then across the Mary Valley up to Maleny and turn past the Maleny Hospital and then down to Baroon Pocket Dam picnic area.

A bit of discussion took place waiting for Rob and Rose with Roses' son Tom to turn up and then off with the intention of getting up Mt Mee and head to'Pitstop Cafe' for a bite and drinks.

The weather did not look promising, so once we got to D'Auigular a quick turn around was taken and into 'Brassy Hussy' at Woodford for lunch.

Luncheon taken care of and the group split up heading home hopefully not getting too wet.

Another great day out.