ild Geese

Xmas picnic

Mark this date. Thursday 13th Dec. Time Midday ish

Location: Baroon Dam Picnic area, toilets available, accessed from the Maleny side of the dam.

Who : Geese and Partners as applicable.

Look for the signs before the Police Station just as you leave Maleny on the west side heading towards Kenilworth.

BYO Food and drinks incl water, Elec BBQ's available. Seat and shelters available, or bring your own chairs.

Plan for the morning is your choice, meet as usual at Yandina, ride for the morning and arrive around midday or have a short ride and then drive with partners/wives etc...designated driver !!

This is intended to be a very informal gathering so come along and relax with fellow Geese.

In the event of rain we will try again on the Thursday 20th.