Monday Museum ride

Ozzie is going to the Museum on Southbank in Brisb known as GOMA to view the motorbike display, this is open until April. He will be »

Rod MacRae Rod MacRae

Confirmed Meeting place

Invigor8 has served us well, but  now due to the open air limited seating and the unfinished construction work it is time to move on. So following our first time »

Rod MacRae Rod MacRae

Meeting Place

There has been some discussion re a new meeting place due to the current restrictions with space etc at Invigor8 and sitting outside in inclement or »

3 Geese 3 Days

Garry W, Garry Cos and myself headed off Monday 23rd from Yandina heading for points south. 1st day was warmish on our way via Kilcoy, Esk, »

Rod MacRae Rod MacRae

Thursday 18th ride

Next Thursday the 18th a table has been booked for us at the 'Old Crow Hotel' at Crows Nest for lunch. Weather permitting 0900 we will »

Rod MacRae Rod MacRae

Another One !!

Wild Geese are having their own health crisis !! We have a few of our gathering go through this and now another one. Rob Lewis is »

Rod MacRae Rod MacRae

Friday Ride

Due to the wet weather forecast for today Thursday 21st I made other arrangements and missed Thursday's ride DOH ! So if anybody wants a ride »

Rod MacRae Rod MacRae

Quiet ride

Whilst some Geese went 'West Young Man' myself and Garry Cosmo headed south at a leisurely pace out through Esk, Gatton, Warwick and ended up in »

Rod MacRae Rod MacRae


Wait for me.....aaahhh !! ... taken a long time ago.... »

Rod MacRae Rod MacRae

Thursday 7th March

A smaller than usual group(compared to the last few weeks) left from Invigor8 for a run out to Esk. Rod and Steve R1200GS LC, Neil on his 1200 »

Rod MacRae Rod MacRae