ild Geese

Quiet ride

Whilst some Geese went 'West Young Man' myself and Garry Cosmo headed south at a leisurely pace out through Esk, Gatton, Warwick and ended up in Kyogle at the 'Exchange Hotel' and we noticed a few things on the way as follows.

Major roadworks leading into Kilcoy with a new bridge underway and major roadworks at the BP in Kilcoy, looks like that intersection is getting a big/huge makeover, the left/right turn we sometimes take  leading to that BP intersection is closed, so best to go straight ahead though town and up past the roundabout and turn left to go past the Police Station.

Gregors Crk rd is now sealed but still needs line markings.

One of our favourite Cafes 'Jules at The Rectory' in Esk is now closed permanently by the look of it, a local told us the operator had enough and packed up, but we can report the coffee at the Red Deer Café is v good, it is located on the west side of the main road just near the Bakery.

Must be a bit dry as we saw Camels on the road to Gatton !!

The top section of the Mt Lindeasy Rd after Killarney is still rough in places but a fair bit now is very good leading into Woodenbong and with some nice sweeping radius corners :-)

Also the speed signs around the Somerset dam are showing 80 which I am sure has changed in the right direction.

A good couple of days riding apart from a few Thrombosis drivers (slow moving clots).