ild Geese

Thursday 4th Oct 2018

18 Geese rolled up at Invigor8 with 17 taking off for points north, Ian H you missed  great ride !

We rolled out along our well known Browns Crk/Gold Crk run led by Maximus Velocitus ! up over Skyring Crk /Tuchekoi and Mary Valley to Lawson Rd and Glastonbury and onto Widgee BP for a stop.

Sadly Mick Logan scored a stone into his radiator, a quick temp fix of all purpose 'need-it' sealed the hole and he departed for home along with Col who needed to be home. 15 Geese still riding.

A run then through Kilkivan and onto Kinbombi Falls rd at a brisk pace got us to the old Elgin Vale sawmill. A general look around and discussion of WH&S (or lack thereof) of days gone by !! and then back on the road to Goomeri where we stopped at the 'Grand Hotel', Bernie and Fiona departed so 13 Geese for lunch, with quite enjoyable food and company.

On our route out of Goomeri towards Tansey saw a very accommodating QPS officer give some valuable and respectful advice to one of our members, who happened to be leading at the time on his GS,(note, not Maximus Velocitus) the advice to him, once the group had happily sailed on past was," do not speed, please stay left of the double lines and keep a lookout for wildlife" .......the Geese waited at the Tansey turnoff for the said member to finish his discussion with the QPS Officer and then took off for the Tansey twisties, as we went over Tansey, Rod saw that Noel had his left boot sole/heel hanging off and flapping, yikes !! so at the Widgee fuel stop it was then noticed the right boot had also gone the same way, oops, new boots needed Noel !! by this stage 2 more Geese, Steve P and Mike J, had split from the group, so down to 11 Geese for the final run home.

So we retraced our morning route back down the Mary Valley with a gradual split up along the Old Bruce Highway for our home destinations.

A very enjoyable day out with around 400km done.

With signs that the warm weather is coming please ensure that your fluid intake is sufficient, we sometimes leave ourselves a bit short and get dehydrated, it does not take much to bring some water along, remember Coffee, tea and alcohol can actually cause dehydration.