Thursday 22nd July

We set out north for a first stop at Widgee and then took the short way up to Tiaro for lunch at the pub. When I »

Max Phillips

Thursday 15th July

Nine riders set out for Peachester heading south for the day but a couple of hours later the ride had come apart. Rod had a flat »

Max Phillips

Thursday 8th July

I wanted to go south for the ride but everyone said that the radar indicated that north was the good weather and so northwards we went! »

Max Phillips

Thursday 17th June

Bloody Max! We rode from Dulong to Palmwoods behind a slow truck… Then we rode up the Palmwoods-Montville Road and had an extended wait at the »

Max Phillips

Thursday 10th June

Ten was the number of riders again and we rode north since Fiona had a mission worked out for the day. And it was fortuitous that »

Max Phillips

Thursday 3rd June

Ten riders left Yandina heading north to work our way around to Kandanga via Skyring Creek Road and Diamondfield Road. We were going to ride down »

Max Phillips

Thursday 27th May

Me, Ozzie, Neill, Steve, Garry W, Neil, Angus, Ian and Mick left Yandina riding northeast over to Kin Kin for a first stop. Then we went »

Max Phillips

Thursday 20th May

It was the mother of all adventure rides. Seven riders left Yandina heading north with Mike, Ian and Mick turning off Skyring Creek Road to go »

Max Phillips

Thursday 13th May

We stayed fairly close to home on Thursday, staying in the hinterland for the day. We rode out to Kenilworth for a starter and then up »

Max Phillips

Sorry for the outage

You may have noticed that the web site was unavailable for the best part of a week. This was due to a power spike taking out »

Steve Pike Steve Pike