Thursday 30th September
The weather bureau made dire predictions and the sky was somewhat overcast so there was a low turnout on the day. Anyway, me, Rod, Angus, Neil »
The weather bureau made dire predictions and the sky was somewhat overcast so there was a low turnout on the day. Anyway, me, Rod, Angus, Neil »
I think around twelve riders left Yandina heading to Widgee for a first stop. My idea for the day was to ride a different way to »
About fourteen Wild Geese assembled at Yandina and most set off on a ride over to Kin Kin with a view to having lunch later at »
Eight Wild Geese left Peachester to ride out to Cooyar to check out Garry McCoy’s café. There was me, Ozzie, Mick, Lee, Jim, Neill, Steve and »
Hey Wild Geese people, I thought I should refresh your memory about the ride this Thursday... Below is the text of the email I sent a »
Twelve riders met up at Yandina for a ride and I suggested that we incorporate a bit of adventure riding into the day by riding the »
Ten riders left Yandina with Rod leading the group over to Boreen Point for a first stop for the day. From there we headed over to »
I think there was about 14 or 15 of us at the café at Yandina and a few weren’t able to ride but anyway 12 of »
I guess most Wild Geese members know of Garry McCoy, and that he owns a motorcycle themed cafe out at Cooyar... Sunday the 19th of March »
Fifteen riders left Yandina heading out for a ride staying on the coast. There was me, Mike, Lee, Neill, Angus, Steve, Rod, Helen, Mick, Dave, John, »