Thursday 30th September

The weather bureau made dire predictions and the sky was somewhat overcast so there was a low turnout on the day. Anyway, me, Rod, Angus, Neil »

Max Phillips

Thursday 23rd September

I think around twelve riders left Yandina heading to Widgee for a first stop. My idea for the day was to ride a different way to »

Max Phillips

Thursday 9th September

About fourteen Wild Geese assembled at Yandina and most set off on a ride over to Kin Kin with a view to having lunch later at »

Max Phillips

Thursday 2nd September

Eight Wild Geese left Peachester to ride out to Cooyar to check out Garry McCoy’s café. There was me, Ozzie, Mick, Lee, Jim, Neill, Steve and »

Max Phillips

Ride this Thursday 2nd September

Hey Wild Geese people, I thought I should refresh your memory about the ride this Thursday... Below is the text of the email I sent a »

Max Phillips

Thursday 26th August

Twelve riders met up at Yandina for a ride and I suggested that we incorporate a bit of adventure riding into the day by riding the »

Max Phillips

Thursday 19th August

Ten riders left Yandina with Rod leading the group over to Boreen Point for a first stop for the day. From there we headed over to »

Max Phillips

Thursday 12th August

I think there was about 14 or 15 of us at the café at Yandina and a few weren’t able to ride but anyway 12 of »

Max Phillips

Thursday 29th July

Fifteen riders left Yandina heading out for a ride staying on the coast. There was me, Mike, Lee, Neill, Angus, Steve, Rod, Helen, Mick, Dave, John, »

Max Phillips