ild Geese

Thursday 26th August

Twelve riders met up at Yandina for a ride and I suggested that we incorporate a bit of adventure riding into the day by riding the back road from Widgee over to Kinbombi Road.

Rod had to leave the group at Widgee and Mike, Garry C and Jim decided to meet up with the rest of us for lunch at the pub at Goomeri by riding the bitumen through Kilkivan, the Tansey twisties and Booinbah Road.

That left eight of us for the gravel road, me, Lee, Steve, Mick, Garry W, Neil, Angus and Phil.

The road is bitumen for the first 10kms out of Widgee and then its gravel all the way to Kinbombi Road. The surface is a bit rough as you climb Mt Widgee but after that it’s not bad and we made good time. After riding Kinbombi Road north we meet up with Mike and the other two at the pub at Goomeri for lunch and had a good feed followed by a good ride home down the highway through Widgee and back to the coast.

It was something different for the day and I reckon we could do it again sometime in the future when we again feel the need to have a change of scenery.