ild Geese

Thursday 10th June

Ten was the number of riders again and we rode north since Fiona had a mission worked out for the day. And it was fortuitous that we followed her ride plan since it was bloody cold and any ride further afield would have been difficult.

So we went to Kin Kin on all the usual roads and then since we were all emotionally and physically diminished by the rigors of the ride thus far, we ventured down to the café and stayed there for an hour or more to gather up our will to go on.

Eventually we thought we should make some sort of effort to look like we had at least a bit of grit and vigour left in us so we headed west towards Gympie before giving that up because of the roadworks. We turned back to take Neusa Vale Road and I split off to go down to Cooroy to get a tyre fitted. I don’t know what the others did but I think they were heading for a café on Skyring Creek Road.

Anyway, it was short and cold day for me…