ild Geese

Thursday 3rd June

Ten riders left Yandina heading north to work our way around to Kandanga via Skyring Creek Road and Diamondfield Road.

We were going to ride down the Mary Valley Highway and end up at Maleny for lunch but the weather was looking a bit doubtful at Maleny so the group split up with those wanting an early finish to the day heading to Kenilworth for coffee (Mike, Rod, Ian, Garry W and Mick) while the remainder (me, Angus, Fiona, Trevor and Lee) went north through Widgee and on to Gunalda for lunch.

We had a good ride with dry roads so it was all OK. (My bike did spit a bit of water out the overflow on a couple of occasions but I fitted a new radiator cap next day and that seems to have fixed the problem…)