ild Geese

Thursday 22nd

Another overcast morning greeted those 11 Geese who gathered at Yandina. A decision was made after much soul searching and BOM radar checking to head south west.

10 Geese took off ,one had more pressing matters, and headed up over the Blackall Range to Maleny and Stanley River road and out to Kilcoy where a stop was had, and one Geese left mumbling about acres of grass to mow and one joined who has no grass to mow !

So back to 10 Geese who took off on a circuitous route led by Max that brought us into the back of Kilcoy and then out to the back of Toogoolawah at a respectable pace and ended up at 'Julies at the Rectory' for lunch, a shower saw us head under cover and then it started to clear up.

The BOM was checked again and heavy rain was showing to be heading our way so 6 Geese decided to head back the way they had come whilst 4 of us left Kilcoy in a heavy shower of rain which stopped just out of Kilcoy and we continued across Wivanhoe Dam and checked out 'The Cormorant Bay Cafe' in the large Picnic grounds on the South/East end of the Dam Wall and agreed it will also a good spot to stop for a morning tea or lunch.

We took off and headed back to Kilcoy via Splityard Creek road and Somerset Dam, the road was only just damp due to the large dump of rain however no more fell, so a dry run home was had by us 4.

Another good day of riding with around 350km covered.