ild Geese

South of the Border

With the opening of the border into the Northern NSW district, Ian Heffernan, Mick Logan and I did a four day ride down there on Monday 12 October. Day one was through Boonah up to Killarney via Queen Mary Falls and a failed attempt at the Head Rd along the Condamine River which had creeks Flowing high enough to dissuade us from venturing further. Stayed at Kyogle first night then on Tuesday we  headed for Tenterfield Via Bonalbo and Drake where we turned South onto an 80 Km dirt road that was an interesting and enjoyable alternative to the Bruxner. After lunch in Tenterfield we dodged the storms making our way to Inverell with a dirt road diversion through Strathbogie and Emmaville. Next morning we rode to Bingara via Copeton Dam ( which looked like a puddle being only 16% full), then Warialda, Bonshaw and back on the Bruxner to Tenterfield for lunch again. From there we headed up the Mt Lindsay Rd to Killarney crossing the border with no problems at Legume. Stayed at the Killarney Hotel that night then in the morning rode down the QMF Rd again to Boonah and home. A very enjoyable few days riding!  
I reckon a good One Nighter would be to do the loop up to Killarney then over to Kyogle for the night and home the next day via the Lions Rd etc. Any Takers??.

Garry Walker

I live at Lake MacDonald with my wife Amanda, 2 horses, 1dog, 3 cats and a much loved Yamaha MT09. Moved here in 2016 after 30 years in Cairns to retire and enjoy the beaches ,forests and lots of twisty roads. I've ridden bikes all my life and hopefully will continue to do so for many more years.