Thursday 4th February

About twelve riders left Yandina for a ride southwards. I had a theory that maybe it could be good to bypass all the slower roads and »

Max Phillips

Thursday 28th January

Me, Mike, Steve, Angus, Jag, Garry W, Rod, Neil, Lee, Garry C, Ozzie and Fiona turned up at Yandina for a ride and set out northwards. »

Max Phillips

Thursday 21st January

It was a dreary looking day with a few showers around on the coast so there was only a smaller turnout for a ride at our »

Max Phillips

Confirmed Meeting place

Invigor8 has served us well, but  now due to the open air limited seating and the unfinished construction work it is time to move on. So following our first time »

Rod MacRae Rod MacRae

Thursday 14th January

Fifteen riders turned up for a big Thursday and we went on a local tour of the coast going out to Kenilworth first through Moy Pocket »

Meeting Place

There has been some discussion re a new meeting place due to the current restrictions with space etc at Invigor8 and sitting outside in inclement or »

Thursday 7th January

Be there or be square! It was an eye-gouging, mother-busting, unholy mad son of a bitch of a ride… And I’m feeling tired, I’m exhausted, but »

Max Phillips

Ride This Thursday 24th December

I know some riders including myself will be at Yandina this Thursday the 24th and I’ve spoken to some and all are thinking of a shorter »

Max Phillips