Thurs 27th

Quite a large group gathered at Yandina, I think around 15 or so, even had a couple of Moto Guzzis !! Without a definite destination we »

Rod MacRae Rod MacRae

Thursday 20th October

Rain again (still). Only five of us for a rainy day ride. Me, Rod, Angus, Neil and Dave. We went north to Kandanga staying within »

Max Phillips

Thurs 13th Oct

A small group at Guncotton decided after much soul searching and umming an ahhring that a shortish ride was the go, some had other things to »

Rod MacRae Rod MacRae

Vale Mark T

A sad note, Mark Trenerry one of our early Geese members has sadly ridden on, details of a memorial yet to be announced, condolences to our »

Rod MacRae Rod MacRae

Thurs 6th 

While we had a fairly full table at Guncotton the group ended up with 7, myself, Max, SteveP, big Neil, Fiona, Angus and Jim (on his »

Rod MacRae Rod MacRae

Thursday 24 August

A smaller than usual bunch at Guncotton for the days ride, myself, Angus,the 2 Niels, Lee H,Dave P,Mike L, took off for for points north with  »

Rod MacRae Rod MacRae

From Jann

Words cannot express my gratitude to the Wild Geese for your participation in Ozzie's Celebration of Life. The feeling in that room of love and caring »

Steve Pike Steve Pike

Come and farewell Ozzie

Ozzie invites the Geese, one and all, to come and wish him well on his way from this life to whatever comes next. We will be »

Steve Pike Steve Pike

Racer Ozzie in pictures

Ozzie made quite a mark during his racing career. A few photos to celebrate that period, courtesy of the photo restoration skills of Colin Sheehan. Click »

Steve Pike Steve Pike

Red (Rob) Goose

It's been a very long time since I contributed a post to the WGMC Site and have mostly used FB. If anyone has looked back at »

Rob Lewis