ild Geese

Thursday 22nd Dec. bush ride

After breaking my fast with the other members of the Wild Geese in Kenilworth, two of our number, namely myself and Peter Webb turned west at the bottom of the Kenilworth curves and headed up along Sunday Creek Road into the bush. Pete was riding his Honda 250 and I was mounted on my trusty BMW GS 1200.

The lack of traffic on an early Thursday morning was a blessing and as we climbed further up the dirt roads into the forest, we were starting to enjoy the fresh air and the relative lack of dust after recent rains. A brief stop for a photograph at the lookout Looking down on the Kenilworth valley

and then back onto the beasts for a bit more elevation and blasting along the tracks until we soon arrived at Charley Moreland campground which is a very pleasant place to visit if you have not already done so.

Charley Moreland camping ground.

We dismounted and strolled along the walking trail a short distance to see the sights along Little Yabba Creek. Very relaxing after a quick squirt up the range it was too. Soon we were back on the bikes and back into it again. The air was very pleasant and the tracks held good traction as we wound our way further into the forest to the west. Once into the rainforesty sections, the huge trees sort of make you feel a bit insignificant, but the riding is beautiful and very interesting as we swapped the lead here & there. Feeling small amongst the trees.

Once out the other side onto the Kilcoy-Murgon road, we dawdled up to the firetower at Jimna and then blasted along the road for a few kilometres until we arrived at Old Yabba Road where we turned back to the east and the descent to Imbil through the Bella Creek area. This is about where I noticed that my rear suspension was not what it should be. Very bouncy and when I adjusted it up to a higher setting, it started topping out badly, so I set it back to soft and low and quietly bounced my way down the road through the very scenic farmlands thereabouts. A job for the suspension repairer when I get back. The constant high speed bumps and "Whoa Boys" throughout the recent BMW Safari had taken its toll it would appear.

We slowly rode past a small group of deer out there and before long started the long and somewhat rocky descent into the valley below. There is one hill there that I had forgotten about. Very steep and loose with two lovely eroded wheel ruts all the way down.  I managed to approach it just a bit too fast and in 3rd gear which was entertaining to say the least. Lots of rear wheel lockup and sliding around under full brakes got me to the bottom with just a tad of drama. I switched off and turned to watch Pete's progress down the precipice. No sound at all. "That's funny", I thought. He wasn't that far behind me. A few seconds later, I heard the sound of his engine start just out of sight and then he appeared scrambling down the hill amongst the gravel and stones carefully to show me his dirty scuff marks along the sleeve of his nice, new riding shirt! Whoops! Ah well. that is what makes it all fun in hindsight isn't it?

From there all we had to do was enjoy the lush farmland through the valley floor and a quick splash through the refreshing waters of Bella Creek and then we were soon in Imbil and back on the black stuff again. The lush, rich valley behind Imbil.A very nice day out and an easy, short run in the bush. You should try it some day.

Colin Sheehan

a.k.a. Phot Goose. I am still trying to decide if I am a motorcyclist or a photographer. Maybe both. I have been riding for about 50 years on about 37 bikes at last count. A lot of dirt (which some may have noticed I favour!) and a great deal of tar roads have passed beneath my wheels in that time. I am currently favouring the BMW range after owning 7 of them throughout my life. This club allows us to gather with like minded people on a range of bikes to enjoy the bikes, roads and good company without egos getting in the way.