ild Geese

Thursday 21st October and Sunday 24th October

Nine riders went for the whole day on Thursday and after a short stop at Imbil we worked our way north through Kandanga, Dagun and Gympie before stopping for lunch at the Theebine Hotel just north of Gunalda. There was me, Fiona, Jim, Mick, Garry W, Ian, Garry C, Mark and Angus.

Jim and Fiona reckoned that the Theebine Hotel is a nice spot and so booked us in for a Christmas lunch there this year. (I tried to tell them that the year had only just started a few weeks ago and it couldn’t possibly be Christmas…)

On Sunday me, Mick, Jim, Garry W, Angus and Neill went for an overnighter, a ride west from Widgee through Kilkivan and Elgin Vale and then stopping for lunch at the RSL Nanango before riding up the eastern approach to the Bunyas. After another stop at Kaimkillenbun Pub we rode on the back roads out to Jandowae for drinks, eats and sleep… The drinks were cold and plentiful, the food was good and the beds were comfortable. On Monday we got away at 7am and we rode back roads east to Crows Nest for a 9am feed and coffee at the café there. After that we rode down past Perserverance Dam and through Esk and Gregor’s Creek Road back to the coast and were back home by 1pm…
We had a good time and it all went like clockwork with no breakdowns or flat tyres or interest from any constabulary. We did about 750kms all on dry roads and most of that on back roads and the bikes purred along.
I tried not to drink too much beer because if I drink beer I start making silly jokes and laughing. I tried anyway, and now others can say whether I had any success in my efforts at restraint… Perhaps not…

Jim set his camera to a 10 second delay then hurried to get in this pic at the mill but he come a gutzer over the railway just as the camera went off...  The rest of us don't appear to be entirely sympathetic...