ild Geese

Thursday 17th December

Rain and more rain but anyway six optimistic blokes turned up at Yandina (me, Mike, Rod, Lee, Mick and Mark) but in the end it got heavier and we went home without a ride.

And so, after missing out last Thursday I think you all know that I am working on a make-up ride for Monday since this coming Thursday is Christmas eve and will probably be a shorter day with less riders too…

So my theory for Monday the 21st is meet at Peachester to leave there at 10am. We ride the good roads (Mary Smokes, Gregors Ck, Turtle Ck, Emu Ck and the Linville Road) for a 12 o'clock lunch at the Linville pub. That should see us back at Kilcoy by 2pm and we would have had a good squirt on some good back roads and a good feed too...

I know some blokes including me will be at Yandina this coming Thursday for a ride even though it's the 24th so if you are still around on Thursday there will be some riders there if you are available...
(For the 24th, I was thinking maybe a ride closer to home like out in the Mary valley maybe followed by lunch at Imbil or Kandanga…)

PS: You blokes have probably already seen these docos or maybe you even have them on disc at home but anyway if you're looking to fill in a bit of time over Christmas there are two documentary videos about 45mins each called 'The Unrideables' and 'The Unrideables 2' all about late 80’s motorbike racing and also about those 500cc V4 two strokes of the 90's and the guys that rode them like Gardner, Swantz, Rainey, Doohan etc.

With 160HP and weighing just 120kg they reckon one mistake on the throttle and the bike would launch you over the bars in a classic high-side so they were called the unrideables because they were sudden death... (no electronics)

'The Unrideables' is up on Vimeo for free, someone put it up there (but it’s also for hire off Google on YouTube)
Check out the free version and if you like it you can always watch good quality versions of it and ‘The Unrideables 2’ on YouTube for a few bucks...
