ild Geese

Next Thursday The 16th December

This Thursday the 16th:

The Christmas meet-up is at Theebine Hotel at 12 midday and all and sundry are invited including wives, husbands, partners, friends etc etc

Most of us I think will still be meeting at Yandina for a ride starting at 9am a usual. However for those who are bringing someone as pillion and/or also live north on the coast or who want a later, easier start to the day or who are even coming by car with a passenger, there is an alternative start at the cafe at Kin Kin from 10am.

Those riding from Yandina will ride some good roads up to Kin Kin and meet up with anyone who is there and then before 11am all can head over to Gunalda which is less than an hour’s ride and then on to Theebine which is only another 10 minutes...

Alternatively you could just go your own way to Theebine for 12 oçlock meet up...

That’s it, three ways to go, that’s all she wrote...