Thursday 13th August

About thirteen Wild Geese were at Yandina for coffee but not all were going riding on the day. Those who were riding went down to Peachester »

Max Phillips

Thursday 6th August

I think about thirteen riders left Yandina heading out in the good weather for a ride. A couple of riders dropped off at our first stop »

Max Phillips

Thursday 30th July

We had the good weather and so we rode south to Kilcoy via Kenilworth, Conondale and Mary Smokes Creek Road. After a break we went down »

Max Phillips

Thursday 16th July

Eleven riders left Yandina heading for Kin Kin and after a rest stop there we rode on through Cedar Pocket Road and Sandy Creek Road to »

Max Phillips

Thursday 9th July

Steady rain meant that only the most enthusiastic riders wanted to ride, namely me, Lee and Neil…   And we rode around in the rain for a »

Max Phillips

Thursday 2nd July

The weather was fine and a big crew assembled for the ride. We stayed mainly in the hinterland riding from Peachester up to Kandanga and there »

Max Phillips

Thursday 25th June

Fourteen riders assembled at Yandina and we rode north to Widgee and then on through Kinbombi Road and Elgin Vale Road and up to Goomeri for »

Max Phillips

Thursday 18th June 

You may have noticed that I haven’t been posting any Thursday reports. A great slackness overcame me and I couldn’t be bothered doing anything after the »

Max Phillips

Thursday 18th ride

Next Thursday the 18th a table has been booked for us at the 'Old Crow Hotel' at Crows Nest for lunch. Weather permitting 0900 we will »

Rod MacRae Rod MacRae